Laura Ricketts
Laura Ricketts lives in the plains of Indiana with her husband, Chris, and her three squirrelly children. She maintains sanity by playing with wool. The draw to the dark side must be strong, as her husband viewed the craft room and gave her the moniker “Stashmuffin.” She lurks on-line as that alter ego, maintaining a blog site at http://stashmuffinsloosethreads.blogspot.com and on Ravelry.
– TestKnitter: Erin (FiberIsGoodForYou)
- WWMDfK? vol 2
- Comfort of a Friend Girl & Doll Shawl by Laura Ricketts
- Buttoned, Banned Book Bag by Laura Ricketts
- DDS – WWMDfK? vol 3
- Ravel’d Sleeve of Care by Laura Ricketts
- Petard Pants by Laura Ricketts